Monday, April 6, 2015

mark rothko

Mark rothko was an abstract expressionist. He played with very simple forms and contrasting colors. I would like to make a sculpture or paint a sculpture in this sense of unfocusing the eye to colors playing off of where each other color is placed. im hoping this can add an extra dimension to one of my pieces, im hoping the colors will create a whole different form on top of the one i have already made.


  1. The simplicity and minimalist-ness of these paintings is really grand. The pinks, reds, oranges, and yellows are all warm colors. Although they are similar, they are all at their brightest and really pop. Your sculptures are very smooth and polished and I think bright colors would be a cool combination with that.

  2. I find it really interesting that you like this guy's work. This kind of work baffles me because, as a crappy artist I think 'oh yeah, I could do that'. It's neat that you see something in his art that I necessarily don't and that's what's cool about art.

  3. I personally love Rothko- I have prints of his work in my room. Check out the last painting before his suicide- it's amazing how much pain and emotion can be conveyed in two colors.
