Monday, April 6, 2015

mark rothko

Mark rothko was an abstract expressionist. He played with very simple forms and contrasting colors. I would like to make a sculpture or paint a sculpture in this sense of unfocusing the eye to colors playing off of where each other color is placed. im hoping this can add an extra dimension to one of my pieces, im hoping the colors will create a whole different form on top of the one i have already made.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

frank stella

Frank stella was painter/sculptor and highly regarded minimalist. I like his style because everything he does plays a part and serves a purpose although it may not look like it, thats just how HE wanted it to be done.

Both very 3d but all literally flat. Id like to do something with a simple form and a very popping layer over top... if that makes sense

Thursday, March 19, 2015

joan MIro

 Joan miro is a painter, sculptor and ceramist known for her very pure abstracted form. I really like what joan miro does because its very appeasing to the eye, its simple but its complex in the sense youve never seen it before but its "formal" enough to be relatable and recognizable

Her art is all very sculpturally interesting. focuses more on a form rather than the form. I also really enjoy the placement of color in the two paintings, the way its only emphasized greatly in some areas

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


claes oldenburg is another large scale public sculpture. he takes objects such as a saw, a birdie, a spoon and turns them large scale and places them somewhere out in the open

here are some:

sawsawing-01.htm.jpg saw sawing

a8111.jpg cupids span

clothespin1.jpg clothespin one

anish kapoor

anish kapoor is a sculpture who utilizes the setting of a place for a large scale sculpture. he tends to be abstract but focuses alot on form and color. one of his most famous pieces is the bean in chicago

KAPO070004.jpg c- curve, notice where the sculpture is and the material

121218-mca_anish_kapoor-0671.jpg sky mirror

1655946_orig.jpg not sure what this one is called but its cool


jean arp is crazy abstract. he uses alot of pure form and geometric shapes and colors to make the sculpture/painting more appealing to the eye.

tete-paysage-1926.jpg tete paysage

growth.jpg growth 

arp4.JPG.jpg before my birth

overall he is very abstract in the sense that his art seems to be less comprehendible to anyone not jean arp

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


couples_marisol.jpg this is a work of art by marisol i found most definitely interesting. it shows a total of 4 figures with no real body but the one painted on a huge block of wood with tiny heads and tiny blocks on top of the body. i thought this was a really neat idea. 

marisol does alot of wood carving full sculptures which also interest me alot 

64.17a-g_marisol_imageprimacy_compressed_800.jpg multiple faces, bllock bodies? all awesome

unknown.jpg this is one is also great